Ah,Willa! & Friends (Vriende)

Profile of JanDink for Ah,Willa!s © copyright

Here are some of JanDink‘s scribbles for you to enjoy.

Please respect © copyright.

You may contact JanDink via our contact form, click here

More about JanDink:
JanDink is a gifted Geek, obsessed with old military aeroplanes,
weapons systems and computers.
He also thinks about life, the universe and everything from time to time…

Also read/listen to JanDink’s Afrikaans scribbles, click here

Scroll down to the bottom of this page if you want to
comment on any of JanDink’s scribbles.

Elements and music in all these clips are from providers such as Pixalbay / YouTube Libary / Canva / and others. As far as we know all elements and music is used with the proper licencing. Should you think otherwise, contact willa.truter@trusoft.co.za and will show you the licences for each item or rectify any misunderstandings.

What Makes a Dad

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